Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hollywood strikes..... Again!

It’s in the news again today (or maybe yesterday): another child idol behaving in a way that is questionable for a child to behave. This time it’s one that people are saying would never do things like she is doing because her parents are involved, etc...

Are you kidding me!?!?!? Do we really believe as Christians that there is ANYTHING that this culture is producing that is appropriate for our children to embrace in the way that the culture at large is embracing it? Why would we ever expect these things to end any way other than us trying to figure out how we have to explain things to our children? With the numbers the way they are, it seems like it is safe to say that they ALL go bad, and yet we seem to still be amazingly surprised and shocked when they do.

Why does it seem that every teen idol goes bad? The answer to this question is… it’s the only thing our culture and Hollywood is capable of producing. This culture isn’t going to produce a role model that is appropriate for us to put in front of our children to idolize, mimic and aspire to be.

This fact begs an even more difficult question. WHY DO WE CONTINUE TO ALLOW AND EVEN ENCOURAGE OUR KIDS TO DO IT? I don’t know the answer to this question. It’s baffling to me.

Have we forgotten that we are to raise our children in the fear of the Lord? Have we abandoned the Shemah? Do we not recognize the danger? Do we want our children to revere God or this culture (yes, I believe VERY STRONGLY that it’s either/or)? Do we think they can do both? Or, do we just not care? What gives?

This may sound extremely fundamentalist, but I really don’t care. God said, “come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord.” Jesus said we are to be salt and light. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. We are to be in the world and products of the work of the Spirit in our lives, not in the world and a product of the world and this culture.

How do we accomplish this in a spirit of grace and love? As parents and future parents, we need to find out.


Carole Turner said...

yea, I didn't metion to E what happened with said teen star that she loves, has met and thinks is a Christian. I refuse to steal her innocence in that area. BUT if she finds out, I will talk to her about it just like I have had to talk to her about many other things she sees and hears from "why did that boy call her a douche bag? What is a douche bag?" to "Tianna thinks she's pregnant" or "what is a lesbian". We work in the inner city, she hears and sees it ALL so we talk a lot. We teach her Gods word, keep her in church and protect her from a lot but we also feel if her foundation is strong, she will make the right choices as they come up. At least she knows she can talk to me about what ever.

Parenting is hard! I have learned much by trial and error and I still have WAY more to learn. But I know I do not want to raise good kids, I want to raise kids that love Jesus with all their hearts and seek His will.

Wade Hinton said...

Parenting is hard!! Couldn't agree more. It's so tough to find the balance between handing your kid over to the culture and hermitizing yourself. I think it's best if it's a graduated process and E is getting old enough to start fighting these battles for herself. At some point, Our kids must be ready for the culture. Sadly, I think for many the battle is already lost before their kids should have even been fighting it...

Steve said...

Who really knows? Maybe Mr. BRC is our Lot in this early millenium? I mean BRC didn't even prostitute or give MC to be a sex-slave...yet.

(Sorry - this was too much like a "regular jeff" comment)

Anonymous said...

Carole-Did you just say douche bag on Wade's blog? That is cracking me up!

Wade Hinton said...

How are we ever going to explain that comment to our child readers???

Carole Turner said...

I wish I had video taped the faces when I explained what that was. Lorri's son John Austin was part of that conversation, he just kinda glazed over when I said the word Vagina, Evangeline started screaming "OWWW" and I got called a lier by the kid that actually said it. He had no idea what he was saying.

Anonymous said...

Yall gotta quit all that cussin, now..

Wade Hinton said...

We had some friends at our former church that when they had "the talk" with their daughter, she vomitted...

I think I'll be the one vomitting when I have to have that talk with my kids. I could just hire featheriron;)

That would make a nice SNL sketch. Chris Farley, RIP, as the "birds and bees" man...

Regular Jeff said...

"(Sorry - this was too much like a "regular jeff" comment)"

WTF does that mean?

Wade Hinton said...

I think it must mean concise, to the point, wise, and a little bit sarcastic... If it was an insult, he insulted himself in the process...

I'm just glad he graced the blog with his presence:)