Monday, August 25, 2008

General Update


It's been a while since I posted just a wassup post on here. Here are some things that are going on in the Hinton world these days.

Sondra and I sold our house about 6 weeks ago and we are living with her parents right now in in Southaven about 5 miles from our old house. We are looking around for lots and hope to have a house started within a couple months, but we're still not completely sure where we are going to move. We will most likely stay pretty close to where we are and hopefully in the same county, but we may move to a neighboring county.

The big hold up is that we're still not sure where God is leading us to worship and we want that to be the biggest deciding factor in where we relocate. We have a few options on the table and one of them is a possible staff position at a church up in TN, so we're keeping our cards close to our chests and praying that God will speak soon.

In the meantime, we are enjoying the company of Sondra's parents. They have a great home and we have the upstairs (about 600 sq ft) to ourselves complete with sleeping areas for both kids, a bath room, and a small sitting area (not that we ever use it). The rent is cheap and the food is always great. The kids absolutely love being here. There's a nice lake in the back yard that occupies nearly all of Jay's time. If he's not fishing, he's talking about fishing, and he's becoming quite the angler (hey JC).

My business is doing pretty good right now in spite of a BAD market for housing. We just picked up another builder that we will be installing floors for, so things are looking good for the coming weeks and months. I am still looking forward to the next ministry assignment because I know that God has gifted me and given me a passion for it, but He is also granting me contentment in the place where I am.

Please pray for us to find the right church home, the right property, and that we would be diligent about serving God in this area.

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! I was getting excited until I Suzi just called me. I was oh so hoping y'all had found a church in Nashville and would move in with me! Hehe. I so envy Bombie! AND, just why haven't you called and asked for prayer and told us this? Oh well, we will pray for God's perfect will in your lives. He is faithful. Hey, and I'm your first comment! LOVE MOM