Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My thoughts on the election and the state of our nation

OK, Nathan... Here they are.

I'm somewhat saddened, but certainly not dismayed, discouraged, or depressed by the outcome of the election. I KNOW beyond ANY doubt that God is in control of what happened yesterday and He is in control of what will happen tomorrow. There is no reason to fear as a believer. God holds the heart of the king and he turns it which ever way he chooses for His own glory and his own purposes. I wouldn't begin to start to speculate what His purposes may be in any specifics. At least not in print anyway;)

I'm saddened for the unborn because this election result will go a long way in furthering the slaughter. I'm saddened for the homosexual community because what the secular world calls progress related to homosexual issues, the Scriptures calls debauchery. I'm saddened for the poor because further entitlement and handouts is not the solution and will only serve to worsen the problem in the long run. I'm saddened for the rich because they have been stereotyped as the source of most evil in our culture by the left and they will be punished for much hard work and good accomplishments so that the entitlement can continue.

I rejoice for the church though because I know that a much needed purging will most likely result from these election results eventually. There will likely be a polarization of sorts that takes place in the next few years. We need a good dose of persecution and it will come.

The state of our nation? If by "Our", you mean Christians, then we must all be reminded that our citizenship is in heaven. Our nation is eternal. It's intact, unshakable, and it's builder and maker is Jehovah God. If by "Our", you mean Americans, then I think it's an awful mess. All of our problems exist at a grass roots level and the political climate seeks to fix it from the tree tops. It can't be fixed from Washington, but it can be worsened from there. The country is sick with a terminal case of greed and materialism. There is a sizable percentage of the poor that are lazy and sick with entitlement. Wanting something for nothing is one of the worst types of greed. There is a sizable percentage of the wealthy that are riddled with greed as well. They work hard for their money, but only to serve themselves. Greed! All of our economic problems would be solved in this country if greed and materialism were fixed.

Sadly, I fear that the church has a good dose of these diseases too. Christians are greedy and materialistic with the rest of them. We need to repent!! Perhaps, that is one of God's purposes for the hard times that we are facing. Judgment begins with the Church.

What we need to do as Christians in light of these election results is what we should be doing every day of our lives regardless of who is sleeping in the white house. We should pray for our rulers and those in authority over us. We should submit our lives for the Glory of God in humility and all will be well with us even though we perish.



JC said...

I'm of the opinion that one of the things plaguing many Christians in this country is that they consider themselves Americans first, Christians second. This nation as an entity is not protected by God.

I hope one day to spend an extended amount of time with my family outside the US. I think all American Christians should. It gives you a world perspective on the Great Commission instead of what we have in America: Our own brand of Christian "entitlement" where we think we have a right to worship openly and freely, to bear arms, to eat out at a nice restaurant after church on Sunday, etc.

Those are all things that are tenuous at best in most countries and may one day again be in the one we currently call home.

Carole Turner said...

great post and great comment! I totally agree.

I wrote a couple post election post on my blog and all hell broke lose cuz' I talked about extending grace to Obama and other Christians that supported him. Like I said, I voted for McCain but I didn't feel fear or anger when Obama won. I the same concerns about the poor and the unborn, but I think the church has to step up and be the church in word and in deed for such a time as this.

Wade Hinton said...

I agree Jimmy. We could benefit greatly from having a more global mindset. I've thoroughly enjoyed my forees outside of the country. They are eye-opening to say the least.

The prevalent mentality among american Christians that America is somehow the international capital for Christianity and the center of God's economy crawls under my skin.

We'll be fine.

I agree that we should always be gracious, but it's also OK to passionately disagree as long as it is done in a gracious manner. Jesus was pretty rough on people from time to time. Paul was downright brutal... The truth can be offensive no matter how it is presented. We have to speak the truth in love and let the chips fall where they may. We're not responsible for how people may respond to the truth especially when it is spoken in a loving manner.