Sunday, November 23, 2008

general update

Sondra and I have finally settled down at a church (I think). We've been so torn the past two years (can't believe it's been that long) looking for a church family that we really love. We started out this journey wanting to plant a church in this area, but those efforts got stuffed after about 6 months or so. We've bounced around so much leading worship different places that it was difficult to really get plugged in any where. We have landed at Hope Community Church in Olive Branch. We love the pastor and the people and are excited to be in a community where we know that we can serve and be plugged in.

We are still living at my in-laws house. We put in an offer on a foreclosed house in Olive Branch this past week and we should hear something about this offer soon. We've decided to go the foreclosure route instead of building a house because there are so many incredible deals out there in that market.

Jay is doing really well in Kindergarten. He's learning to read write really quickly and he seems to be the smartest little boy that I know. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Josie is almost 2 (dec 7th). She is talking up a storm and boy can she pitch a fit... She takes that after her mother;) Ironically enough, she's also the smartest two year old girl on the planet.

My business is a little slow right now, but we are surviving. God always seems to provide a little more than we need a little before we need it.

We are headed down to the coast for Thanksgiving at my grandfather's house. I'm excited about getting to see the family down there. The older I get, the more I love the holidays.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You think???